Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm curious to see how much traffic this blog will get as I begin to spew out my thoughts on the world that is .NET development. So who am I? First off my name is not Hank, it is Adam. I've come to join the .NET community through moving to a new company, Heritage Propane. Hopefully you'll get the reference to Hank (hint: King of the Hill). I've spent the good part of the last 10 years doing web based application development and related tasks in all sorts of flavors. I started out primarily in ColdFusion (dabbled in PHP and ASP back then but ColdFusion flat out rocked compared to the others) and was very active in the community. I presented at some of the largest conferences in the community ranging from talks on team dynamics to using ColdFusion's most widely used framework, Fusebox (of which I was the lead developer for a short while). I am still an active contributor (though not contributed much recently) on the leading unit testing framework for ColdFusion, MXUnit. I am also a charter member of the guidance group for the first fully function Open Source CFML engine, OpenBD. I've also spent the good part of the last 3 or so years working with Java as well and serving as a Software Architect (for CF and Java) in a fortune 25 company. So how did I find my way to the .NET community? I used to work with the director of IT retail applications at Heritage as well as the main development manager and quite honestly they were 2 of the best managers I had ever worked with in my career. When the opportunity was presented to learn a new set of technologies, work for a smaller company, and work with some folks I really respected I jumped. Tasked as the software architect at Heritage I'm getting to learn all about TFS, SharePoint, Silverlight, C#, ASP.Net, VB.NET and I'm sure there are other things I've left out.